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Our solution to intelligent digitalisation 

Smart Manufactoring

Intelligent Bridge offers consulting, software development and hardware to the industry and infrastructure. Enabling Industrial IoT with everything from sensor to advanced analysis. By collecting data from machines and processing it in advanced analysis tools, you can make production better automated, more efficient and create a sustainable future. We don not just do technology stuff. We also refine products, business models and above all, giving the staff a better working environment.

Bridging IT / OT requires domain knowledge in several areas. Our superpower is that we have extensive experience of working in all domains and can speak all languages, both with technology and with staff. Our innovations are supplier independent and use modern technologies for your security and long-term perspective.

To work with digitalisation on an old machine or a completely new factory are two totally different scenarios. Contact us and we will tell you all about how to do a modern automation setup and get your digital twin correct from the beginning.

Intelligent Edge analysis

Edge devices are closest to reality (the machine) and take care of all real-time calculation and data structuring. Our units can connect to any control system and sensor on the market.

Edge device
Pre-made modules 

Based on 20 years of experience, we know what most people ask for. Therefore, we have developed ready-made modules to install in existing or new equipment.


Our Edge devices can connect to existing control equipment and handle secure communication, structure data, local calculations in real time, protocol conversion etc. Everything from efficiency measurement (OEE) to Artificial Intelligence.

The IIoT units are preprogrammed and can present graphical information which you can make decisions on from day 1. Everything is built upon standard components with the latest technology. That way we can create the most suitable solution for you. 

Intelligent Bridge AB

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